Phase 5
estimated start 2014 membership year
60% complete 12/6/2012
Created a phase 6 for ongoing tasks
moved 2 tasks to phase 6
dropped 1 task
100% complete 1/15/2013
installation of officer structure
make an online calendar be our activity resource
use existing events as a tag on function
held back on 1 item, due to viability and purpose
(dropped item)
Phase 4
Estimated start Jan 1, 2013
65% complete Dec 8, 2012
98% complete Jan 15, 2013
open item
establish channels for
notifications and communications
1 item dropped
1 item moved to phase 6
Officer requirements and structure in place
solidify our position in Grande and Nationale
review our financial commintment at zero $ operation
review our process for new members
1 item put on hold, due to availability
(dropped item)
Phase 3
estimated start Nov 6, 2012
100% complete 12/31/2012
Wold Chamberlain Post 99
invited Voiture 45 for dinner
2nd Wednesday of the month
12:30 pm $5.00
end table to the right
not a promenade or cheminot
it's a gathering of members of 45
the 2 rows of tables to the left are full of retired guys from area businesses
3 components of phase 4 have been moved to phase 3
appointment by membership of chef de gare
new members
we have estimated our membership goal for 2012 at 39
we have advertized our website presence at Grande and Nationale
with a strong presence in the 5th District American Legion
we have established proper channels for the membership process
we have made personal contact with every member from the 2011 year
watch MEMBERS list to see how the communication is being established and notifications sent
Phase 2 complete
Membership cards are printed and here, boxcar cards are here
self addressed stamped envelope required to have your card sent to you
dues will be $15
all past Chef de Gares of Voiture 45 will be acting Chef de Gares
the Correspondant will be responsible for membership renewal processing and volunteer time reporting
the Ritual Team is the Aumonier
there are no other officers at this time
renewal process will begin on or after Oct 25, 2012
our Voiture 45 free group checking account is open at TCF bank
thanks to voyageuer Steve Smith from Gopher Post for the referral note that yielded him $25 which was promptly
transferred to our account so we could buy checks to pay nationale and boxcar
and to the voyageuer who mailed his dues with a stamped self addressed envelope from instructions left on
his voice mail
phase 2 was not going to be complete until we had all renewals in and especially after the november 5th
district meeting, but we are going to be successful, so why wait
Phase 1 complete
we are restructuring as a virtual voiture
this website will be your place to follow the progress
those that do not have access will be informed by other means
this Voiture is an HONOR SOCIETY attached to the 5th District American Legion
all current members of Voiture 45 listed at Nationale on Aug 13, 2012 will be contacted to continue without
losing continuous years membership
details are still being worked out and 2013 cards will be printed and sent to Voiture 45 for distribution
once the structure is in place
as of right now the membership of Voiture 45 consists of PUFL Life Members, who will be finalizing the structure
we hope to have all those who want to continue and be a part of Voiture 45 renewed for the 2013 year in
a couple months
since there will not be a Locale dues, we will be requesting members to include a stamped self addressed
envelope so we can get them their card immediately upon receiving the renewal
the officers will be
CHEF de GARE (all PLM past chefs)
CORRESPONDENT (filling out required communication)
the ritual team will be available
VA hospital visitation will be 1st sunday at 2 pm
and any other function that a member of 45 wishes to invite other members to
example: Al Zecca mentioned it would be nice to get together for a meal, when I am in town I go to Wold
Chamberlin post 99 for a lunch on the second wednesday, they also have a pankake breakfast every month along with Post 1 and
we are an honor society that is already active in many organizations, we don't need to create situations
or events, they already exist, like the Labor Day $8 steak fry put on by SAL 435
as a member of 45, don't expect to be asked to do something, but surely let us know what you have going
on. Reuben Mack likes a reason to use a toothpick
you will be contacted when we are ready to roll
In the late 80s the 5th District created a membership program for use in their District Office.
I included code for (at that time) the largest American Legion Post Mpls-Richfield 435 which
happened to be in the 5th District
It was implemented in the Department of France and the Department of Rhode Island, 5th District
and many Legion, VFW, and 40/8, Posts, Units, Squadrons, and Voitures across the United States
It is Y2K compliant, and runs under native DOS (XP and earlier, not updated in 10 years)
use of the system has always been free, and even Spenserville Ohio submitted modifications
if you wish to know how Voiture 45 interfaced years ago, it is a good example of where we were
20 years ago
extract files to a seperate folder and run VPIRUN.EXE
remember this is dos, and a mouse won't work, you need to press the number (no password)
click here to download file
file is in zip format